Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Plastic Cup Art

Plastic Cup Art

Sharpie Textas (or permanent marker)
Plastic Cups
Baking Tray
Baking Paper

1. Hold your cup in your hand with fingers inside and draw lines on the cup making sure to fill up the whole cup with colour. You can do zigzag lines, wavy lines or straight lines. 
2. Once the whole cup is coloured in, find a baking tray, cover it with baking paper and place the cup on top. 

3. Get a parent to set the oven to 180 degrees. Put the baking tray in and cook for 10 minutes or until it is melted to look like this. 
(this one did not quite melt as good as the last one I made, even though it has a hole in it, it will work for our display. It is unpredictable, enjoy the surprise when it melts!)

4. Allow to cool then bring it to school to add to our whole school artwork.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Welcome to the Art Room at CCS

Hi Everyone, 

It is Mrs Toma here! I hope this finds you all healthy, safe and taking care of yourselves and your families. 

This is a space where I will be posting some regular Art activities that you can try at home. Please take the time to read and watch what is posted on here. 

Remember you are all Artists and to have fun with your artwork. 

Please ask questions if you need to in the comment section down the bottom of the page. I will endeavour to reply to all comments.

* don't forget to send me a photo of your finished artwork when you are done.

Please email me at toma.katrina.h@edumail.vic.gov.au